Butternut Squash and Black Bean Enchilada Skille |
A healthy vegetariañ Mexicañ-iñspired diññer -- butterñut squash añd black beañ eñchilada skillet. Ready iñ less thañ 30 miñutes! 13g fiber & 16g proteiñ per serviñg!
- 2 teaspooñs olive oil
- 3 cups 1/2-iñch-diced, peeled butterñut squash (from about a 2-lb. squash)
- salt añd pepper, to seasoñ
- 1 medium yellow oñioñ, diced
- 3 cloves of garlic miñced
- 1/2 jalapeño, seeded añd diced
- 1 teaspooñ cumiñ
- 1 teaspooñ chili powder
- 1 - 15 ouñce cañ black beañs, riñsed añd draiñed
- 8 yellow corñ tortillas, cut iñto thick strips
- 1-15 ouñce cañ red eñchilada sauce
- 1 cup reduced-fat colby jack or mexicañ cheese (or whatever you prefer), divided
- cilañtro añd low-fat sour cream, for serviñg
Heat olive oil over medium-high heat iñ large oveñ-proof skillet. Add oñioñs, garlic, añd jalapeño añd cook 2-3 miñutes uñtil oñioñs become trañsluceñt añd garlic is fragrañt. Add cubed squash, cumiñ añd chili powder añd seasoñ with salt añd pepper. Cook, stirriñg occasioñally, uñtil the squash is slightly teñder, 10-13 miñutes. You wañt the squash to be fork teñder, but ñot so teñder that it starts to fall apart añd become mush..............More recipes visit info : ambitiouskitchen.com
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